Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Prevention and Control measures of water pollution

Water pollution are contributed due to industrial effluents and sewage. The time has came to avert major disaster. Effluent treatment systems have to be incorporated in industry. Industries, where it is already in existence, need to operate their plants regularly without looking for savings.
  • New techniques that need no water is highly beneficial. Some of the wet processes is replaced by the dry processes. For example, metal pickling once carried out by acids is replaced by sand blasting in which no liquid effluent is generated.
  • Small industries cannot afford treatment plants as they frequently discharge their effluents, near agricultural lands and on roads. It can be avoided by setting up a common effluent treatment plant where industries are located.
  • Recovery of chemicals and metals is practiced in most industries. The reclaimed waste water can be reused for industrial processes such as boiler, feeding, cooling, which will help cut down the fresh water needs. And paper mills, sugar industries and distilleries that let out more effluents can be used for irrigation or as fertilizers after proper treatment, without affecting ground water.
  • Small industries cannot afford treatment plants as they frequently discharge their effluents, near agricultural lands and on roads. It can be avoided by setting up a common effluent treatment plant where industries are located

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